I have to say that during this entire time, I've been trying to find the right path back to the Lord. I pray and quite often, but it always ends up being selfish. The thing is, I long to speak to my Pastor. But he's over 900 miles away where my church sits. *sigh*
God brought me through a lot of things in my short 30 years. I know there's always a purpose for the way things go. And I know that, while there is a path intended for you to take, and you step off that path, God merely sets new paths before you. There is always a "correct" path, as it were, to keep in the direction towards what He's set for you. It's just a matter of taking that right path. The problem with me is, I think I keep ignoring the path He sets in front of me, both unknowingly and knowing. Sucks, man.
The paths I took that brought me to my husband... There was a reason that path was indeed chosen for me. Which I've come to believe my daughter was that reason. Flash forward to these days, through my ramblings here right? What's the Lord's plan now? Is He speaking to me and I cannot hear? Is He telling me to continue to hold on to my hope with a steel like gripe? Or is that simply me ignoring Him possibly telling me it's time to let go? I wish I knew.
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