Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Cure

I wish I knew what the cure was for a broken heart.  I keep getting the same story over and over again; time.  I'm so sick of hearing that answer.  Time.  Fuck time.  I want to have a lighter heart right now, damnit.  You know?  Science can make all kinds of medications and surgeries and things for all kinds of ailments.  Why the hell can't they figure out how to block this kind of pain?  It's stupid really, in my opinion. 

Honestly, when we spoke last week, and hearing him tell me the things he told me, it really did ease some of the pain.  Knowing that the last decade wasn't a fake.  He gave me a kind of hope too.  And part of me wishes he hadn't.  Holding on to the hope that just maybe, here in the future, we will be together again, hurts worse then I could have ever imagined.  Does he think of me like I think of him?  Does he look forward to that sort of future like I look forward to it? 

I was always told that I had a heart like my grandmother.  It could either be a gift or a curse.  These days I see it as a curse.  Stupid heart, man.  Seriously. 
If your head tells you one thing and your heart tells you another, before you do anything, decide first whether you have a better head or a better heart. - Albert Einstein


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