Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm an Open Book

I wrote a very long letter the other night.  Well, actually, I've been writing on that letter for the last 3 days.  It was to my husband.  I wasn't going to send it, merely using it as a way to get down thoughts, you know?  But this morning, while I was sitting here doing my morning routine, I decided to send it.  Via email of course.  I have no idea if he'll get it.  And if he does, if he'll read it.  I hope he does.

I've always been one of those people that could never quite get their thoughts and opinions out when speaking to a person.  I would act before I think, speak before I think, get angry, upset... etc. you get the drift.  I took up writing out letters and such as a form to reach out and do just as I was wanting when needing to get across to another person.  My husband knows I'm like this.  Hell, he knows I'm simply long winded as it is, lol.  Thus, the letter.  It explains lots of things.  Above all else, however, it repeatedly reminds him of just how much I love him.  I hope he is not put off by my letter.

In any case, I simply hope it will help out future relationship when it pertains to our daughter.  Whether or not we do ever find our paths merging once more, that's beside the point.  I simply want to get along on a nice, trusting, friendly level with him.  I have to, it kills me that we weren't.


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